0812-1177-7809 / Diva Fishing Product

About Us

About Diva Fishing Products as a superior product for anglers with a variety and variety of colors and distinctive aromas to support anglers.


With experience from the 1980s in the fishing industry, Diva Pancing has consistently succeeded in distributing various types of superior products such as Diva Fishing Essence, Papagayo Fishing Essence, Diva Pasta Pancing, Diva Tuna Umpan Pancing, Diva Marine Essence, Diva Kinoy + Glitter, Diva Pelet Umpan Pancing, Diva Oplosan Pasta, Diva Preman and others, as well as supporting events for anglers throughout Indonesia. Apart from that, the continuous adoption of color and aroma variants has also produced several innovative products.

For customer satisfaction, we are committed to providing much more than just providing. Services for purchasing our products are available in several areas to help anglers determine the best choice.

Best Product

There are a variety of quality fishing baits available that have aromas that fish really like.


Since 1980, Diva Pancing has been here to accompany fishing hobbyists with its superior products.

Special Price

Choose quality products at affordable prices to support anglers.

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With experience from 1980 in the fishing industry, Diva Pancing has consistently succeeded in distributing various types of superior products

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Jl. KH. Hasyim Ashari No. 17C,
Petojo Utara, Gambir, Jakarta Pusat,
Indonesia 10130

Phone : 0812-1177-7809 / 021-6307848
Email : admin@divapancing.com